Le Loubet
Bed & Breakfast | Self Catering
Directions | Finding Us
If you have a GPS, enter 'loubet' plus the postcode 32600
Or the following GPS coordinates : N 43.630485 E 1.08167
Without GPS :
From Toulouse follow the signs for Auch via the N124.
Exit at L’isle Jourdain and drive straight into the centre of town.
On arriving at a junction, drive straight for 500 meters, passing over a bridge, with the local public swimming pool on your right hand side and take the very next right turn, signposted to Cologne.
Drive 500 meters along this road, crossing over a railway track and take the next right, signposted to St Livrade and Golf Las Martines. This road has a cycle path.
LE LOUBET is situated after approximately 1 km, on the left-hand-side, up a tarmac path
If these directions do not appear to be working, please don't hesitate to call us on 0562074832.
“Make Yourself at Home!"
Le Loubet is privately owned and run by
Geraldine and Andy