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Le Loubet

Bed & Breakfast    |   Self Catering

Founded in 1851, the Le Loubet farmhouse, situated in the middle of fields just outside l'Isle Jourdain, was initially the home of an arable farmer and his family.


My husband Andy is Irish and I (Géraldine) am French and spent my childhood in L'Isle Jourdain. Andy and I met in Brussels, and then lived in Ireland for 10 years. 


In 2005 we returned to France to move to the countryside. We bought Le Loubet with the dream of opening a guest house, and after extensively renovating the top floor we welcomed our first guest in July 2006.


We speak fluent English and are only too happy to help with an extensive knowledge of the area. 

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Géraldine & Andy Scannell

Pour toute réservation, demande de disponibilité ou demande d'information complémentaire, merci de nous contacter par téléphone, e-mail ou par le biais du formulaire ci-dessous.

Lieu dit Le Loubet,

route de Sainte Livrade, N224

32600 L'Isle Jourdain

For all reservations, general queries or requests for information, please contact us by email, telephone or use the contact form below.

+33 (0) 6 89 97 19 31

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